As an Internet marketer article writing is one of the top list building generation and link popularity techniques that you can use because it is providing your target niche audience with valuable keyword rich content. By using techniques like this to attract visitors to your websites you will begin to not only develop opt ins for your list building measures but also be able to work on relationship building with them so they will buy your products.

If you have been writing articles as he traffic generation techniques, at this point possibly you are writing several articles a day, and not only have a fresh stream of traffic to your web site from the articles you are writing, but you should also have a squeeze page set up for email list opt ins, and you should have created an email campaign.
Like anything with Internet marketing, you must continue to market your business on a daily basis. This is the same for article writing where you must submit at the least 10 articles per day and do all of the other marketing techniques along with them to give them the greatest exposure in order to build your last as much as possible. I submit on average 20 articles per day to the top online article directories. After two weeks of doing this I was attracting about 10 opt ins to my list each day. After one month that was up to 20 per day, and after two months I was up to 30 opt ins per day.
At this point, if you have followed the minimum article submission suggestions I have noted above you have built the foundation for everything else you will do with your marketing. Your link popularity with the top search engines and your niche target audience will have developed also.
One thing that is important is that the process of writing articles must continue. Your traffic will die off if you are not continually writing new articles and submitting them to the article directories, especially the top article directories with a page rank of at least five.
However, everything else that you have created, once it is created, continues to work, which is of course what leverages your time in Internet marketing and allows you to earn greater sums of income from the same amount of time. For example, once you have created a squeeze page, it continues to collect subscribers without being recreated continually.
If you want to attract prospective customers and develop your online presence and exposure, you owe it to yourself and the financial future of your business to learn everything you can about Internet marketing.
Want to learn more about Internet marketing techniques about how to build a successful online business?
If so, read and download my new free digital book, 27 Super Habits of Internet Marketing.