What Does a Personal Financial Consultant Do?

A personal financial consultant analyzes your financial health and provides a personalized report that outlines your long-term goals, immediate priorities, and plans of action. These financial consultants are knowledgeable about all aspects of personal finances and can offer guidance and support in achieving these goals. To get started, contact a personal financial consultant today. The benefits of working with a personal financial consultant are many. Read on to learn more about these professionals and the career paths they can take.


The National Association of Personal Financial Advisers (NAPFA) is a professional association of fee-only financial planners. The job requires knowledge of specific investing, credit, and tax laws. The best advisers earn at least $85,000 per year. A financial planning associate degree or specialty certificate can help you advance your career. In addition to gaining knowledge about the financial planning industry, PFAs must be good salespeople.

A personal financial advisor … READ MORE ...

The Financial Consultant Job Description

The financial consultant job description requires an individual with a bachelor’s degree and five years of experience to identify client needs, goals, and strategies. This position requires an expert level understanding of personal financial plans, financial industry products, and effective communication skills. The job description also highlights the skills required for success. Below are some of the most common requirements of financial consultants. All individuals applying for this job position must possess a bachelor’s degree or higher, excellent interpersonal skills, and excellent communication skills.

Skills and qualifications section of financial consultant job description

Listed below are the skills and qualifications that a Financial Consultant must have. These are the qualities that employers typically look for when hiring someone with a Financial Consultant title. In addition to a financial background, this role requires a strong understanding of business and investment practices. If you are considering applying for this position, you will … READ MORE ...