Greg Fishman, the head of Resolvly, recently was recognized for his work with Families Against Court Travesties (FACTS). The charity organization has been receiving monthly contributions from Fishman, and his hard work is getting recognized as one of the main reasons they have had success.

Family Against Court Travesties, Inc. has a mission that involves helping families who find themselves in a crisis situation due to the family courts or other government agencies. The goal is to ensure that children are well taken care of in family court and that the families get due process.

With Greg Fishman‘s career, he has always related well to the mission of FACTS. He works directly with lawyers and attorneys on a consistent basis, and he understands the process of the justice system in general. The organization was formed in 2003, and shortly thereafter Fishman knew that he wanted to be … READ MORE ...

What Alternative You Have If You Avoid Banks In Syracuse NY

A lot of people think that banks are the only legal places where you can turn if you need a loan. This is completely not true. Same people are asking themselves what options they have if it’s not for the banks?

The truth is, you really should avoid working with banks and asking for loans from them. They should be the last place to turn to if you need money. However, people don’t realize this, and they are stuck with giant corporations who are only interested in profit and not the need of the simple citizen. Take a look at this interesting article to see why some people think corporations are bad for the simple man.

The alternative is called credit unions. Everyone should know about this option. In this article, we’ll explain what credit unions are and why are they good for you.

What are Credit unions

A credit … READ MORE ...