The Planned Microsoft Buyout of Yahoo: Good for the Internet?

In 2018, Microsoft Corp. caused a stir inside the online industry because it revealed its intention to acquire Yahoo! Inc. With the support of Silver Lake Partners, a personal firm, Microsoft proposed to Yahoo a $44.6 billion buyout deal in January 2018.

Yahoo declined the offer and instead was left with a 10-year search partnership in 2019. The Microsoft-Yahoo partnership has gained Microsoft an important 30% of the market share but resulted in the dropping of Yahoo stocks from $29 – before the rejection from the $44.6 billion proposal – to $15 as of September 2011.

Since declining Microsoft’s $44.6 billion bid in 2018, Yahoo has watched its stocks drop just 44%. As a result, the organization has become presenting itself to prospective buyers, due to its failure to improve revenue.

This time around, Microsoft is poised to create a joint proposal, still partnering with private equity firms – however … READ MORE ...

The Relevance of Enterprise Social Software to Modern Business

Coming in free form and inherently non-structural, the social software program is banking around the concept of collaboration. With this feature strength, it allows anyone in an enterprise to activate with techniques that seem highly appropriate. Also regarded as a part of Enterprise 2.0 – a network of technologies that enable organizations to streamline their business systems and enhance collaboration – enterprise social software (ESS) takes the idea of the intranet to your advanced.

Pointing towards the enterprise landscape, a recent study reveals that until 2015, 25% of enterprises will utilize online community analysis as part of their business and software strategies to improve business productivity and employee performance. In this regard, your research company recommends installing easy-to-use ESS. Such a tool that will not require rigid structures on users is deemed more helpful, coupled with visible, in addition to strong, managerial support.

Gartner also cites the value, for organizations, … READ MORE ...