The eponymous owner of Don Forman United Nissan of Las Vegas has put the automotive dealership industry on notice that philanthropy is a key ingredient of success. Don Forman is now the undisputed leader of auto dealerships in terms of charitable giving and various forms of community philanthropic activities.

Don Forman Sets Auto Industry Example For Charitable Giving

Struggling Students and Needy Families

Mr. Forman’s tendency to donate time, funds, and vehicles to worthwhile causes is a prime example of a new kind of philanthropy: targeted, effective charitable action that helps those who need it, when they need it. The auto dealership owner has doled out large sums of money, services, and free vehicles to local Las Vegas students who need transportation to complete their degrees. He has done the same for heads of needy families who sometimes need a car to commute to work, or a cash stipend to pay essential bills for the month.

The Las Vegas … READ MORE ...

Most of us are feeling some sort of strain from the current economic situation, even those who are good with money. The loss of a job or a cut in pay to keep a job are both real events happening all around us. How are we to make “ends meet” with money so tight and not negatively impact our credit?

Tips To Help You Survive These Tough Economic Times

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There is no easy answer to that question. However, here are nine suggestions that may offer an option to your personal financial situation.

Look at your spending habits and determine what are real NEEDS vs. WANTS.

Reduce your spending to only needs, and learn to live within your new means.

Stop using your credit cards. If you can’t “part” with your credit cards, here is a suggestion: Take a plastic container, fill it with water and place your credit cards in the container. Place the container in the … READ MORE ...

Culinary Travel And The Benefits Of Joining Them

Our constant search for delectable, nutritious goodies has often set us on foot. Our palette is rarely satisfied with the daily cuisine served at home or in the office cafeteria. We are often on a quest of finding the best restaurant in town or the tastiest burger that landed our tongues, thus giving birth to culinary travel. This is indeed the most savory trip that anybody can rely on.

We all love to travel and eat. We cannot leave one place without trying their most sought delicacies in town. Our passion to try something unique gave way to a new learning experience for everyone. And quite a tasty one in fact. Fill up those bellies and forget the diet when you are on a foodie road trip.

Food greatly symbolizes the history and heritage of a nation. Literally it can tell the preference and richness of a culture through its … READ MORE ...