Will Apple Shares Go Hyperbolic to a Market Capitalization of Over 2 Trillion?

It is amazing the types of contrived sound and fury we hear on the financial news each day, not to mention the conspiracy theories of all those who love to short the market come up with, yes some are purely delusional, others are market makers and have a stake in the game, while still there are those who make it up as they go for the occasional prime time financial news sound bites. Okay so, let’s discuss all this and what it has to do with the price of rice in China or the stock prices on the NYSE, DOW, or NASDAQ shall we? But first a quick story of something I heard on TV not too long ago.

I’m sorry but I couldn’t keep my mouth shut after I heard the man at Market Watch tell me that Apple will get $ 2000 per share in mid-2014 – “Oh, … READ MORE ...

The Election and Your Financial Plan

The financial news media and social media have been buzzing about the election results and the potential impact on your pocketbook. There has been much speculation about taxes, healthcare, and certainly which stocks and stock sectors might benefit from the Republican gains.

What should you do financially in the wake of the election? Nothing!

The election is a big story for the likes of CNBC, The Wall Street Journal, and others. There is a lot of speculation and uncertainty. This creates interest and hopefully attracts viewers/readers.

Those of you who read my blog or follow me on social media know that I advocate the use of a financial plan as the basis of most financial decisions. Reacting to elections or other big events is usually not a good idea. For example, many investors who panicked and sold investments during the 2008-09 market decline were generally behind investors who were stuck … READ MORE ...