5 Tips for a Successful Food Merchandising Strategy

When you think of your food products, you likely envision the aisles of a traditional supermarket. But the truth is that less than half of the food products sold at conventional supermarkets are found in these outlets. To take advantage of these sales opportunities, food companies should look to warehouse clubs and e-retailers. However, this strategy isn’t the only way to reach consumers. Consider the following tips for successful food merchandising:

Target market

Target’s latest food merchandising strategy targets market segments. The company is expanding its online presence, but it is not increasing sales at the same pace as brick-and-mortar stores.

However, Target has limited options, given that competition is so intense. This article examines Target’s recent operational activities, including the concept known as “revenue per square foot” (RPSF).


Food merchandising strategies are often based on a company’s core competencies, which are its special skills and capabilities that set … READ MORE ...

Food Branding Strategy

In-store surveys and demonstrations are effective ways to reach out to consumers. A vital part of food branding strategy is letting consumers know about your brand and trying to influence their tastes and preferences. Food demonstrations offer consumers a way to compare and taste your different products. However, you must make sure that you do not sabotage the brand image by making your products taste terrible or unappetizing. If you want to improve your brand, you must use all available means of influencing consumer preferences.

Developing a brand strategy for your specialty food product

In a highly competitive market like food, the ability to distinguish a product by its unique flavor and quality is essential. Without an effective brand strategy, your product will become price driven and commoditized. This disadvantage is even more acute in international markets, where the costs of logistics can greatly reduce your competitive advantage. Developing a … READ MORE ...

Marketing of Food and Beverage

Food and beverage marketing plan is a written document that translates ongoing market research into action plans and strategies. The process includes selecting target markets and marketing objectives, developing action plans, evaluating marketing plans, and monitoring and evaluating action plans. It involves a combination of positioning and advertising tactics. Some companies engage in product licensing, which allows them to sell another owner’s product in their own brand. Other companies use pro formas to project future sales and profits.

Sports sponsorships

Although children’s television viewing patterns are not explicitly targeted by sports programming, the sponsorships during these programs do expose young viewers to unhealthy products. The study was conducted with the use of Nielsen ratings and questioned whether or not children under 12 are exposed to the sponsorship commercials. The authors concluded that children were likely to be influenced by the ads. More research is needed to determine the impact of … READ MORE ...

Marketing Strategy for Food Business

There are many ways to market a food business. In this article we will discuss social media, email marketing, product diversification, and packaging. The strategies we discuss here can help your food business grow. Read on to learn how you can use each one to boost sales and increase client engagement. Once you know the best methods for your business, it will be easier to implement them in your everyday life. Also, remember to stay current with current trends in food marketing.

Social media

Using social media to promote a food business is essential in this day and age. It not only allows you to connect with customers and followers, but also provides instant feedback and market research. Using social media as a marketing strategy for food business is a simple but effective way to attract new customers and boost sales. Here are some examples of how to use social … READ MORE ...

Preparing Your Culinary Business Plan

When you prepare a successful and comprehensive culinary business plan, the next thing you want to do is execute it. The idea is to get your ideas down on paper first before you go to the business plan stage. By writing out your ideas you will have a great idea of the direction you are going. At this point, it is important to implement those plans. If you are executing a restaurant, you need to follow the same steps for preparing a catering business.


A great place to start would be a local Small Business Administration office. They will help you prepare a business plan and also walk you through the application process. If you are in the process of applying for SBA financing then the SBA can assist you with that as well. But, that is just the first step. Now it is time to prepare some business … READ MORE ...

Pet Food For Your Pet’s Health

It is important to feed your pet the right pet food for a long and healthy life. Searching online and talking to veterinarians, will help you decide what is best for them. Ask questions and get answers for your pet, because they rely on you to feed them properly.

Most pets are more than just animals in our home. They are like members of our family. So, we need to treat them like we treat other family members. Pet food is not always available for purchase at the store. First prepared commercially was dog biscuits around 1860. Since then it has grown. It’s very difficult to know what nutrients are right for your animal, as they all claim.

Most of the meat used in dog or cat food, is a by-product that is not considered a human class. There are some big supporters of raw food for domestic dogs and … READ MORE ...

Culinary Travel And The Benefits Of Joining Them

Our constant search for delectable, nutritious goodies has often set us on foot. Our palette is rarely satisfied with the daily cuisine served at home or in the office cafeteria. We are often on a quest of finding the best restaurant in town or the tastiest burger that landed our tongues, thus giving birth to culinary travel. This is indeed the most savory trip that anybody can rely on.

We all love to travel and eat. We cannot leave one place without trying their most sought delicacies in town. Our passion to try something unique gave way to a new learning experience for everyone. And quite a tasty one in fact. Fill up those bellies and forget the diet when you are on a foodie road trip.

Food greatly symbolizes the history and heritage of a nation. Literally it can tell the preference and richness of a culture through its … READ MORE ...

Learning New Ways of Healthier Eating

According to Medical News Today, in America, there are 1 in 3 adults that are considered to be obese and globally, there are 1 in 10 people who are considered to be obese. It is no surprise that eating unhealthy foods can cause some serious health consequences for you. Many people are fully aware of the many health consequences that can take place if you are not eating right. However, many people are not as fortunate as others to be able to plan, coordinate and prepare a meal for themselves and their family members every day of the week. Because many people in America happen to live a fast-paced lifestyle, they are unable to properly prepare a healthy meal for their family members. Many Americans end up choosing to eat out in restaurants, especially fast food. Fast food has been the newly adopted diet of many Americans who work … READ MORE ...