From Bean to Brew

When discussing coffee, you’ll quickly learn that one of the fundamental characteristics of the cup is the origin of the bean. Where was the bean grown? This is an important question of heritage because it has many implications. Perhaps the first thing you would come to recognise are the occurrence of certain locations named, places such as Ecuador, Rwanda, Indonesia, or Ethiopia, for instance. The majority of speciality coffee bean growers are found on, what is known as, The Bean Belt. So called, simply, because it is the belt around the earth where numerous warm, humid, and elevated locations are found. Each of these environmental factors are prefered for a flavourful bean.

These tropical locations, along the equator, are prime for coffee growing. They host the necessary temperatures and elevations, alongside great soil and beneficial precipitation that support growth and taste. And there are associations and general flavour … READ MORE ...

Steps To Buy Vehicle Insurance Online

Buying vehicle insurance online is an easy process. You have to follow few simple steps to buy an insurance plan for your vehicle. Before buying a plan, you might want to check your eligibility for the same. After checking the eligibility, you would need to enroll to a new plan or renew your existing one.

  • Enter your vehicle number, model number. If you do not know any of the details, you can enter forgot the details and move on.
  • You will be asked whether you to have a new insurance or want to renew your existing plan.
  • You will be then prompted to select one of the models available, color and other details related to your vehicle.
  • Choose whether your vehicle is petrol variant or diesel variant.
  • Enter the power of your engine and the place of registration.
  • Enter your personal details.

After entering all these information on insurance aggregator … READ MORE ...


You have finally settled on making the jump into the Asia market, but finding reasonable office space has been more than a challenge. Singapore is your new host country, and while it makes for a great place to live, finding office space in this multi-lingual, multi-ethnic enclave is proving difficult. While serviced office and co-working spaces are alive and kicking in this small country, you want space that is going to give you a lot of flexibility.

Enter the virtual office. Operating your Singapore business out of a virtual office is probably one of the best ways to drastically reduce your overhead. More importantly, though, the virtual office probably can give your business the flexibility needed to traverse this fast-growing economic climate. Please click on the following link to learn more about the many functions of the virtual office.

Continue reading below to learn more about leasing … READ MORE ...