Get Out of Your Career Rut

Get Out of Your Career Rut

Are you not making changes in your job right now due to increasing uncertainty about work?

Do you want to do something different but don’t think you have the confidence to take the next step?

Do you want to take your business to the next level but don’t feel very brave?

Many people think that because the UK is officially still in a recession, it is not the time to take risks or move out of their comfort zone. The media is constantly reminding us that the economy is struggling, there is increasing joblessness, and financial woes.

I am not disputing that it feels like there are challenging times ahead. But I also believe that the way we approach life impacts on the way we project ourselves in both our day to day lives and career.

Let me be blunt, for many people the threat of the recession on jobs is a good excuse for not doing anything about being fed up at work. It is easy to stay with your existing employer, stay in a job you don’t like, or put up excuses like those I have mentioned above. You may think that more companies are making redundancies, fewer organisations are recruiting and more people are applying for the small number of jobs that are being advertised, or it is easier to keep your head down with your current employer to avoid facing redundancy.

In the current economy, it doesn’t stop the brave from making big choices, taking changes, setting up new businesses or facing new employment, it just takes courage, bravery and confidence to take the next step.

How would it be if you could be successful, step out of your comfort zone and live the life you desire?

How would you feel if you could face the next year with the mindset that you know you will be successful?

To kick start your next steps in 2010, here are my top tips.

1. If there are less people applying for jobs that are being advertised, why don’t you become one of them? If you can show how you stand out from the crowd, you will be in great demand for the role.

2. If you want to change your career, take some time to understand your transferrable skills and strengths. Then research the opportunities available to you.

3. Improve your networks. Develop great contacts with people who can help you to source the job or career you desire, or put you in touch with influential people.

4. Find out what organisations are hiring staff at the moment and apply to them direct. If they are attempting to cut costs, you never know, you may be the right person at the right time.

5. Ensure that your CV is up to date as it is a great marketing tool that demonstrates why you are the best person for a job. When you are applying for jobs, make sure it reflects what is required within that role.

6. Remember that you may not be successful in every application you make. Pick yourself up and decide what next steps you need to take.

7. If you want to set up your own business, go along to Business Link exhibitions to find out more about the opportunities available. There are some great free and low cost training opportunities for people who want to set up their own business so start your research to find out more.

8. Plan what you want to achieve in 2010 – what are your goals, dreams and desires? And how are you going to get there?

9. Develop an unstoppable belief to believe that you can do, be or have whatever you want.

10. Get yourself some support. Find a career or business coach or a mentor to give you the support to set and achieve your goals and the motivation to be successful.

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