3 Tips For Creating A Effective Inbound Marketing Strategy

As an internet marketer, it can seem like there’s a never-ending list of tips for getting more traffic to your site and generating more sales, but what if there was an effective inbound marketing strategy that could drive targeted traffic right where you want them-your customers. Wouldn’t that be great? Here’s how to create a targeted inbound marketing strategy that works.

Work On Your Goals

One important piece of advice before you jump in: The more work you put in each step of your plan, the more targeted your results will be. A quick refresher on inbound marketing strategies. Work on your goals first.

Replace your sales funnel with the flywheel. Design a system that works in conjunction with your marketing goals. Map out the buyer journey for each prospect. Refine your customer persona profiles. Create a marketing and sales funnel that works in harmony with what you are trying … READ MORE ...