Do you understand? That you need to make good content if you use content marketing to build your website traffic. But that’s not enough. If you only provide plain text in all your posts, almost no one will read it, no matter how good your content is.

Therefore, you must create readable content. And to be read, you have two choices:

  • Content that is easy to read: clear content in such a way and clearly read by the reader without any confusion or misunderstanding.
  • Content that is fun to read: the best content that can attract and engage readers to respond. The format of your content affects their reading experience.

The key is in selecting topics and good writing skills. However, the biggest part of making readable content is the text and design format.

Marketers who don’t have an understanding of this will find many obstacles and problems when … READ MORE ...

institute of financial consultants canadaThey are throwing the monkey-wrench into the whole shindig they have handcuffed the manifestation and creation of a new nation they also arrested development, past apartheid relis in all types-financially and institutionally the dysfunction in the African community wrough by apartheid, was eith frozen aor held in location, by becoming deteriorated, in order to sow confusion, igonrance and pettiness amonst their core number(the voting Africans). This has now turn into our reality, lives, existence and onsciousness. We are mire in a set up narrative, and the ANC is following it to the letter-and we are the perfect puppets.

I would take the liberty of calling these Kaizen implementation projects by Kaizen Institute India in private and public domain as phase II towards growth and development of India Inc., following the post liberalization decade. It can be mentioned that KII is interested in far more than the … READ MORE ...