The awards need to be given to the child as a motivator as well as to increase his confidence.

Social: Praise, Hugs, Kisses

Choose words that are simple, clear, specific, in accordance with the actions it does. For example, “Mother is happy, the sister does not cry when the pile of blocks is arranged to fall.” Children who are too often praised are not motivated to try to do anything else. In the long run, he will grow into a spoiled person, lack of fighting power, less creative, unaware of his shortcomings and ultimately not optimal in achievement. While praising, hug and kiss the child warmly.

Material: Toys, Awards or Plaques

Should not be sweet foods or drinks. Each gives a gift of material, balanced with a gift that is social. Slowly, change the reward in the form of praise and hugs without material rewards.

Photo plaques or some plaques can be rewarded if they have some good scores in his school.

Make more opportunities, such as giving additional hours watching DVDs, playing longer, walking to the desired place. Although given a leeway, but you still have to determine how much more time the child has and consistently must be obeyed by it.

If you want to reward her, pay attention to this:

  1. Awarding must be related to a positive activity. For example, a child who wants to learn to draw, then he is entitled to praise, hugs, or kisses.
  2. The rewards should also be given immediately after the child has done something positive that he can do. That way, the child will understand what actions can bring a gift. For example, after helping to clean up his toys, he gets extra biscuits.

If you are going to give a gift, adjust it to the struggle that the child has made.

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