Most housewives who are not bothered by household affairs, want an activity that generates additional income. Or a housewife who does have a hobby of making a pastry and wanting to start a culinary business that can earn income. Usually the constraints that arise are the cookware needed in making a cake. Why not try homemade cake recipes without oven that just use the cooking utensils that are often used daily.
Every household, usually want a snack that can be provided to entertain guests atmosphere of intimacy can happen or just to snack while watching television. The food provided is usually in the form of snacks or pastries, mostly cake that could be put in a jar and can be closed, if the cake is still a lot, it can be presented again later. It could be a business opportunity for those of you who’s hobby is cooking and baking as culinary business. Friends or relatives who do not like to cook or is overburdened could be a potential prospect.
Hommade cake recipes are not as complicated as imagined, very simple and do not need fancy kitchen appliances, just a covered pan can be used instead of an oven. But there are some things that must be considered in order to make cake (pastry) to be successful.
As for some things to avoid in cooking in pastry making is the use of too much sugar, cake dough processed too long, too little egg white, wrong selection of baking powder, eggs not in room temperature, not smeared on the surface of the cake without topping and last the most important is not directly inserted in the jar when the cake is still hot. Making cakes is simpler but some of these things are very important.
Please try one of the recipes from making cookies chocochip without oven. Ingredients: 100 grams margarine, 200 grams roombutter, 120 grams refined sugar, 340 grams flour, 50 grams cornstarch, 2 egg yolks, 150 grams chocochip, 50 grams milk chocolate powder.
Steps of making: put flour, corn and milk powder through a sieve and then set aside, stir roombutter and sugar until well mixed, insert yolk then stir again until blended. Next, add the flour sieves, milk and cornstarch and stir with the spatula, then insert the chocochip. Take the dough 1 teaspoon, put and arranged sway and not too tightly, then press with a fork. With a small roast fire using a frying pan with a cover until slightly brown. After that, put on the plate and let it cool, just put into the jar and ready to be packaged for sale.
A culinary business is very dependent on the main taste. A cake with a much preferred taste is the beginning of a success. But do not forget that the look of the cake should also be interesting as well as the packaging. In the modern culinary business, in this case in the pastry industry, the display takes precedence as it will attract customers to try it and then taste it. Impressive appearance or even impressed dirty, do not expect any prospective customers who want to get close and want to buy.
You can immediately practice at home, if successful you can make a pastry with different recipes in the same way, without oven. And do not forget to do taste tests can be done to family and neighbors. Start a small business simply and easily in the culinary business. Good luck.