Buying vehicle insurance online is an easy process. You have to follow few simple steps to buy an insurance plan for your vehicle. Before buying a plan, you might want to check your eligibility for the same. After checking the eligibility, you would need to enroll to a new plan or renew your existing one.
- Enter your vehicle number, model number. If you do not know any of the details, you can enter forgot the details and move on.
- You will be asked whether you to have a new insurance or want to renew your existing plan.
- You will be then prompted to select one of the models available, color and other details related to your vehicle.
- Choose whether your vehicle is petrol variant or diesel variant.
- Enter the power of your engine and the place of registration.
- Enter your personal details.
After entering all these information on insurance aggregator website liken, you will be shown the free quotes from different insurance providers. You can compare the features you always wanted in your insurance plans on and compare across all the insurances. Once you chose the car insurance plan of your choice, you can talk to the insurance providers, finalize your plan, and purchase by making the payment online .
Is It Necessary To Buy Vehicle Insurance Online?
You can buy Vehicle insurances from any mode (through agents, online) you want. Each mode has certain advantages and disadvantages. If you choose to buy your Vehicle insurance through online mode, you will be at an advantage. Online mode offers additional coverages and add-ons for your vehicles. It is necessary to buy vehicle insurance online for various reasons.
- Reliable and cost effective – you get to see all the insurance plans and choose the one, which suits your requirements. You do not have to rely on any third party insurance agent to choose the best plan for your vehicle.Online car insurance plans are cheaper than offline ones as you do not have to pay agent fees or for paperwork.
- Easy comparison – If you choose vehicle insurance online, you get free quotes from the leading insurance providers instantly and can compare the plans and coverages offered by each of them to arrive at the best plan.
- Easy enrollment and renewal – Online insurance plans offer customers to get a new policy instantly and enable them to renew their policies with the press of a few buttons.
- Additional discounts and coverages – unlike offline insurance plans, vehicle insurance online offers additional discounts on the premiums and all types of coverages at the best possible price.
Types of Covers Under Vehicle Insurance Available Online
The car insurances are valid for a year, after that you have to renew your insurance for your vehicle. If you have opted for vehicle insurance online, you can renew the plan instantly and effortlessly. There are two types of insurance offered for the vehicle insurance online.
Third-party liability insurance
As the name suggests, these policies offer limited coverage. The cover under these plans includes protection against the third party vehicle damages. However, these policies do not offer coverage for the losses for your own vehicle. However, the government of India mandates every vehicle owner to have a third-party insurance.
The basic inclusions of third-party liability provide coverages for the liabilities towards damage to third party vehicle involved in mishap and coverages for the injury to the third party personnel in the accidents.
The exclusions of a third-party liability cover are liabilities towards damage to own vehicle involved in the mishap are Liabilities towards injuries to third-party vehicle owner involved in the accidents.
Comprehensive car insurance
This vehicle insurance online plan offers a comprehensive insurance coverage to the vehicle. Coverage includes third-party liability and own-damage cover for the vehicle. Own damage cover offers compensation for the damage to the vehicle and injuries to vehicle owners when the car is involved in an accident. Comprehensive car insurance also provides coverage against Damage or loss due to natural calamities, loss caused theft, burglary, riot, terrorist activity, and strike.
The insurance plan also covers injury from the personal accidents, which include events of permanent disability or death.
There are some basic features of the vehicle insurance online policies. They offer cashless facility across 2400 plus garages in their network. Free roadside assistance any time you want, instant policy renewal option online, discounts on the premium payments are some of the other features.
Before enrolling in a plan online, you should explore all the available plans from all insurance providers and choose a planning meeting all your coverage requirements. Follow some simple steps and enroll in a car insurance plan online conveniently and easily.