institute of financial consultants canadaThey are throwing the monkey-wrench into the whole shindig they have handcuffed the manifestation and creation of a new nation they also arrested development, past apartheid relis in all types-financially and institutionally the dysfunction in the African community wrough by apartheid, was eith frozen aor held in location, by becoming deteriorated, in order to sow confusion, igonrance and pettiness amonst their core number(the voting Africans). This has now turn into our reality, lives, existence and onsciousness. We are mire in a set up narrative, and the ANC is following it to the letter-and we are the perfect puppets.

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Mr. Plumb served as the Chief Monetary Officer of DePelchin Children’s Center and as controller of Memorial City Rehabilitation Hospital in Houston, Texas. Mr. Plumb … READ MORE ...